November Off Path
There’s more to Zagreb.
Are you visiting Zagreb this November? We’re preparing a special treat – an event called November Off Path. Join us for a series of free walking tours that will take you outside of the borders of the city center. November Off Path is made of two smaller events:
- Mirogoj – Whispers of Eternity – 2 to 7 November 2024
- The Real City – 23 – 27 November 2024
First up: Mirogoj – Whispers of Eternity
What to expect?
The best time to visit the main Zagreb cemetery is in the first days of November, just after All Saints Day, when the graves are full of flowers and candles. The cemetery will make a perfect backdrop for our stories. Read more about the tour here.
The tour is free and it takes cca 2 hrs. Choose the date of your choice and send us an email at to book your slots and receive the details about the meeting spot:
- Saturday 2 Nov at 10 AM – Tour in English
- Sunday 3 Nov at 10 AM – Tour in Croatian – FULL
- Tuesday 5 Nov at 10 AM – Tour in English
- Thursday 7 Nov at 10 AM – Tour in English
The tour will also have a fun cocreative element. As a result of this series of tours, we plan to publish a short selfguided tour that will be available to download for free. We would like to include your contributions – by answering the questions that popped up during our tours, by pointing to your favourite details, and if you feel especially inspired and send us some sketches, photos or other art, we would love to include that, too.
Good to know
This is not a ghost tour, but a historical cemetery tour. However, it’s full of curiosities, and a unique point that takes you closer to Croatia’s historical celebs.
Joining the November Off Path tours is the only chance to join our tours this November, as we’re otherwise sold out.
Stay tuned for the updates about The Real City tour.
Šetnje izvan centra grada začinit će studeni
Priremili smo novo događanje, prvenstveno namijenjeno gostima našeg grada, ali svi ste pozvani! Dođite na November Off Path – u studenom vas Secret Zagreb vodi izvan uobačajenih turističkih ruta. Prilika je to da isprobate dva naša obilaska. Događaj će se održati u dva navrata – početkom studenog su na rasporedu šetnje Mirogojem, a pred kraj mjeseca Novim Zagrebom. Sve šetnje su besplatne, ali broj posjetitelja je ograničen.
Za početak, pravac Mirogoj
Prvi set razgleda stiže već u prvim danima studenog. Šetnja Mirogoj – šapat vječnosti (Mirogoj – Whispers of Eternity) odvija se u nekoliko termina, a predviđen je samo jedan termin na hrvatskom, i to u nedjelju 3. studenog u 10 sati (POPUNJENO). Tura traje oko 2 sata. Pošaljite mail na i rezervirajte svoje mjesto. Razgledi na engleskom odvijaju se 2., 5. i 7.11. u 10:00 sati. Jedna osoba može prijaviti najviše četvero ljudi.
Pripremili smo i mali kokreacijski element. Kao rezultat ovog serijala šetnji, planiramo pripremiti izdanje za samostalno upoznavanje tih dijelova grada koja će biti dostupno za besplatno preuzimanje i korištenje. Voljeli bismo uvrstiti vaše doprinose – odgovorima na pitanja koja iskrsnu tijekom tura, uz pomoć detalja koji su vam se najviše svidjeli, a ako budete posebno inspirirani i pošaljete nam neke skice, fotografije ili neka druga dijela, voljeli bismo i to uključiti.
Dobro je znati
Ovo nije tura s mističnim pričama, već povijesni obilazak groblja. Ipak ćete čuti pregršt zanimljivosti iz prošlosti grada na korak od povijesnih velikana.
Detalje o drugoj šetnji ćemo objaviti kad završi prvi dio ciklusa.
Illustrations: Brainlesstudio by Igor Ivanović