100 young people try out our selfguided map
OŠ Antuna Augustinčića school from the town of Zaprešić near Zagreb included our selfguided tours in their trip to Zagreb. Around 100 students were split into smaller groups, and they used the maps to learn Zagreb's mysterious history and lore. They send us their feedback. They enjoyed the activity and were very engaged by the stories and the quest to discover the locations.
Stigle su mape s pričama iz tajanstvenog Zagreba!
Poklonite si jednu baš danas
Secret Zagreb Selfguided being tested
Our major project of selfguided tours production is fast approaching its launch. We've prepared a wonderful illustrated tour that can
NEW!! – Mysterious Zagreb illustrated selfguided tour is almost here!
Purchase the tour and explore the mysterious Zagreb locations and tales - coming very soon Two of our mysterious tours –
Short feature in a wonderful travel show
Have you been watching RTÉ One lately? There is a brand new four-episode travel show that promotes sustainable travel called
Explore Secret Zagreb at your own pace
Our new selfguided tours are on their way Are you visiting Zagreb this fall? We can't wait to show our new