Secret Zagreb Tours That Are Completely off the Path
Our most popular tours are costumed, storytelling walks in the city center. But we also offer a chance to get off the beaten path with two longer tours that will take you into the real neighbourhoods… or into the forest. Which one do you prefer?
The Real City
Would you like to explore the socialist architecture from the sixties and the seventies? Join The Real City tram’n’walk tour and we’ll show you the colour behind what seems grey from far away. Learn about how the city crossed the river, and how it developed into a desirable residential zone. Take a look at the largest buildings in Zagreb, spot some curiousities, and get a sense of the real city.
As an intro, enjoy this article, written by our Iva, with ideas of 5 Things to See in Novi Zagreb.
Into the Forest
Novi Zagreb takes you to the south side of the city. With Into the Forest tour, it’s time to explore the north. We take the unusual winding forest trails from the heart of the city to the bottom of mount Medvednica.
Note: this tour is currently not available due to a severe forest damage caused by a recent tempest, but you can already make a reservation for next year.
See you in Secret Zagreb!
Header illustration by Brainless Studio