Collaboration with Love Zagreb
We started the new year with a new collaboration. LoveZagreb.hr blog started a column called Untold Stories, that will include articles by Secret Zagreb’s founder Iva.
The first article, Doors of the Upper Town, is already online:
Has it ever happened to you, as you walked around an old town, that you found yourself mesmerized by a simple door? Where does it lead? Who lives behind? Can I enter, can I peep through the keyhole? If you have ever found yourself with all these questions buzzing around in your mind, Zagreb is the perfect city to spark your curiosity. Join us for a photo quest for intriguing doors of the Upper Town area….
Continue reading and follow Love Zagreb blog for regular Zagreb stories by the locals.
Being one of the local bloggers might not seem like a big deal. But here at Secret Zagreb, we’re taking this as an extremely positive sign after the downward spiral of 2020. A year that starts with an opportunity to create fresh content will have to be full of inspiration exchange. Also, Secret Zagreb started as a blog and only later developed into tours. That’s why this collaboration literally feels like a start of a new life cycle.
“Dream now, visit later” – we’ve all heard those words many times in the past months. While we will continue dreaming that our positive expectations of 2021 are justified, we invite you to dream about being in Zagreb with the help of all the upcoming texts and photos. We hope the dreams will turn into reality sooner than expected and that we’ll see you in Zagreb!