Tour Guide Throwdown Semifinalist

Tour Guide Throwdown Semifinalist

This August, our Iva Silla applied for the first ever Tour Guide Throwdown and ended up as a semifinalist!

The task was to create a short video and apply to the competition. We’re not into competition, but this whole year has been saved by some of the people that were part of it. One of the judges, Shaney Waley, is the author of Tourpreneur, the most useful podcast for tours and activities operators that has literally helped us hold our head above the water in the past months. With all that said, when we discovered this competition, we simply wanted to take part.

Iva chose the story about one of her favorite characters from Croatian history, Dragojla Jarnević, one of the Badass Women from the tour of the same name. Instead of filming the video in the well-known streets of Zagreb, Iva believed it would be more authentic for the story to go where Dragojla went hiking barefeet. You will hear all about it once you get here and join our tour. It was enough to get to semi-finals which makes us very proud as a part of this an international competition.

Iva was the only participant from Croatia. There are so many innovative tour guides and companies in Croatia and I was hoping to see more applicants coming from these parts. Hopefully the competition will be organised next year, as well. It was especially nice to participate this year, because there wasn’t much exciting going on in the world of tours and activities, so this really got the best in all of us. This was also a great opportunity to learn more about our profession from first-hand experience and get to know colleagues from all over the world. The whole experience was superexciting, and the winners were so cool! The organisers from Redeam spread some true motivation in our profession.