Interpret Europe Summer Courses
Many travelers visited the streets of secret Zagreb this summer. To be precise, in the last two months it was almost 500 people from all over the world. Those who visited in the last few weeks, might have enjoyed a slightly more special experience, though, because that’s when I came back from Interpret Europe Certified Interpretive Guide course.
The training took place in an idyllic setting of Kaprálův mlýn near Brno, Czech Republic. It was organised by Interpret Europe in collaboration with SIMID, the Czech Association for Heritage Interpretation. The event was supported by Swiss government, which helped interpreters from many countries, including my home country Croatia, to take part in it.
If you’re involved in interpretation of heritage, whether you’re working as a tour guide, like I do, as a museum guide, and especially if you’re a nature park guide, keep an eye on Interpret Europe and join the courses when you have the opportunity. Interpretation is a powerful tool that helps your subject matter to your audience. It gives meaning to objects and creates connections. It makes you a more responsible guide, so you can influence your tour participants into acting in a more sustainable way and appreciate the places they visit even more.
As my awesome trainer Valya Stergioti said during the course: “If every guide in the world was an interpretive guide, the world would be a better place.”
Find more info about Interpret Europe, European association for heritage interpretation, here: Interpret Europe