The world already knows that Zagreb loves coffee, it has the most colourful central open air market, lovely architecture… it might all be a lovable part of this city’s personality, but is it truly a look inside its soul?
I’m just trying to identify myself with a quest brought up to all the Zagrebers by Aning Film production team. To find the wondering spirit of Zagreb in the form of Violinist.
I may not have found him (or it) yet, but I’ve already been a fan of the project for some months now. Which is why I’m thrilled to have had a chance to meet Bojan, Matija and Mladen, members of the Violinist team, as part of the coworking session this Wednesday. Mladen is the actor whose expressiveness drags you deep into the idea of finding Violinist, making you long for the encounter with his alter ego. Matija and Bojan started the search for Violinist by working on their short film and cross-media project. They shared their unique plans and vision with the audience on that particular occasion. They’re now wrapping up the movie and designing a search-exchange-platform. But it doesn’t really feel right to write about the details just now. After all, it’s your quest, too, to capture Violinist.
It’s actually what many of us have already been doing. Attempting to recall the childhood memories, watching all the traditional gathering spots fading away into modern era of soullessness, trying hard to pronounce amissing word to describe Zagreb… I think the fading is one of the main reasons why a person living in this city would become involved enough to, let’s say… dedicate a blog to Zagreb:) The involvement probably starts when the fact hits you: you’ve been losing the connection with your own memories, remembrances created only decades, sometimes only years ago. And you then try to secure those memories with a time capsule. But not just your own memories. You try to discover the memory of the city itself, to feel its very core. And if you can do that, I suppose you’ve found Violinist.
I don’t think I’ve come close to finding it (or him) yet… Although at times, I do get a blurry sensation of everything that has ever happened and has ever been felt on the streets of Zagreb. Could that be Violinist playing?
At other times, I just keep enjoying coffee, shopping for colourful veggies and enjoying the lovely Zagreb sights;)